I Am Not Alone

IANA is a self-reporting computing platform designed for teenagers undergoing episodes of depression and anxiety symptoms over different time intervals (day, week, month). It facilitates self-reflection, fostering connections with others, providing interpersonal assistance, and granting access to valuable resources. IANA aims to offer support to its users, ensuring they don’t feel isolated, while also encouraging the growth of a social network comprising individuals with similar medical conditions. By fostering both strong and weak ties, IANA seeks to provide a supportive environment, guiding users toward cognitive reappraisal, problem-solving, and acceptance.

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IANA – Figma Prototype – Click on module below to start


This app was inspired by the ‘coming back’ from social isolation that was occurring during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this app is to bring old ties together and perhaps make new ones along the way. Its activity suggesting feature promotes getting back to our lives again.

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